Set out on an unforgettable journey through the magical Daintree Rainforest, where every step reveals nature's marvels. Traverse this ancient landscape and be captivated by the lush greenery, towering trees, and diverse wildlife that inhabit this UNESCO World Heritage site. Your local guide will illuminate the rainforest's unique ecosystem and its crucial role in our global environment. On this 1.5-hour walk, you will also learn about the significance of the Daintree to the Kuku Yalanji people and hear about the severe impact of the recent cyclone passing. This immersive experience offers not only stunning vistas but also a profound appreciation for one of the world's most treasured natural wonders. A forest so spectacular, Sir David Attenborough called it “the most extraordinary place on earth.”
The morning tour departs daily at 7 am. Please be ready at the Reception of Ferntree Rainforest Lodge 15 minutes prior to the commencement of your tour. Bookings are essential.
The morning tour departs daily at 7 am. Please be ready at the Reception of Ferntree Rainforest Lodge 15 minutes prior to the commencement of your tour. Bookings are essential.
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